This page is used to inform website visitors regarding our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decides to use our Service, the website.

If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that we collect is used for providing and improving the Service. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

Types Of Data We Collect

Contact details Your name, address, telephone number, email address.

Data that identifies you Your IP address, login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types, geolocation information about where you might be, operating system and version.

Data on how you use our site Your URL clickstreams (the path you take through our site), products/services viewed, page response times, download errors, how long you stay on our pages, what you do on those pages, how often, and other actions.

What about really sensitive data? We don’t collect any “sensitive data” about you (like racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious/philosophical beliefs, etc). We also don’t store any financial data.

What about children’s data? Explainify is a business-to-business service directed to and intended for use only by those who are 18 years of age or over. We do not target children, and we do not knowingly collect any personal data from any person under 16 years of age.

How and why we use your data

Data protection law means that we can only use your data for certain reasons and where we have a legal basis to do so. Here are the reasons for which we process your data:

Keeping Explainify running Managing your requests for resource guides and sales requests.

Improving Explainify Testing features, interacting with feedback platforms and questionnaires, managing landing pages, heat mapping our site, traffic optimization and data analysis and research, including profiling and the use of machine learning and other techniques over your data and in some cases using third parties to do this.

Customer support Notifying you of any changes to our service, solving issues via live chat support, phone or email including any bug fixing.

Marketing purposes (with your consent) Sending you emails and messages about our products and services, and content. You may opt out of receiving any, or all, of these communications from us by following the unsubscribe link or instructions provided in any email we send.

Strategic Partnerships We may share your name, email address and phone number and the particular request you submitted via our form with strategic partners. Our partners are heavily vetted and we will only make the connection to improve your buying experience.

Your privacy choices and rights

You can choose not to provide us with personal data If you choose to do this, you can continue to use the website and browse its pages, but we will not be able to process transactions without personal data.

You can turn off cookies in your browser by changing its settings You can block cookies by activating a setting on your browser allowing you to refuse cookies. You can also delete cookies through your browser settings. If you turn off cookies, you can continue to use the website and browse its pages, but certain pages and services will not work effectively.

Your rights You can exercise your rights by sending us an email at [email protected].

You have the right to access information we hold about you This includes the right to ask us for supplementary information about:
  • the categories of data we’re processing
  • the purposes of data processing
  • the categories of third parties to whom the data may be disclosed
  • how long the data will be stored (or the criteria used to determine that period)
  • your other rights regarding our use of your data
We will provide you the information within one month of your request, unless doing so would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others (e.g. another person’s confidentiality or intellectual property rights). We’ll tell you if we can’t meet your request for that reason.

You can object to us using your data for profiling you or making automated decisions about you We may use your data to determine whether we should let you know information that might be relevant to you (for example, tailoring emails to you based on your behavior). Otherwise, the only circumstances in which we will do this is to provide the Explainify service to you.

You have the right to be ‘forgotten’ by us You can do this by asking us to erase any personal data we hold about you, if it is no longer necessary for us to hold the data for purposes of your use of Explainify. Email [email protected] to request to be forgotten.

How long do we store your data?

Email Subscribers: After 6 months of no activity we remove you and any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from our archive. No activity means you haven’t clicked or opened anything we send. Remember you can also unsubscribe at any time.

Sales Contacts: You have asked to meet with us but have not bought from us. We’ll remove your information after 24 months.

Clients: We will delete your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from our archives no later than 6 years from when you last received final delivery of our product/service.


The security of your Personal Information is important to us, and we strive to implement and maintain reasonable, commercially acceptable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information we store, in order to protect it from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure.

However, please be aware that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and we are unable to guarantee the absolute security of the Personal Information we have collected from you.

Third parties

Tech businesses often use third parties to help them host their application, communicate with customers, power their emails etc. We partner with third parties who we believe are the best in their field at what they do.

When we do this, sometimes it is necessary for us to share your data with them in order to get these services to work well. Your data is shared only when strictly necessary and according to the safeguards and good practices detailed in this Privacy Policy.


When someone visits the site, a cookie is placed on their machine or is read if the customer has visited the site previously. This helps to reduce the data entry required in order to gain access to certain areas or complete forms on the website. We also use cookies to assist in the collection of site visitation statistics and marketing information. This helps to ensure that we are providing you with relevant content and enables us to better serve experiences to our visitors.

Additionally, we use technology to calculate how many visitors click on key elements (such as links or graphics) on an web page. We do not use this technology to access your personally identifiable information on; it is a tool we use to compile aggregated statistics about our site usage.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is effective as of July 1, 2020 and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page.

We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time and you should check this Privacy Policy periodically. Your continued use of the Service after we post any modifications to the Privacy Policy on this page will constitute your acknowledgment of the modifications and your consent to abide and be bound by the modified Privacy Policy.

If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you either through the email address you have provided us, or by placing a prominent notice on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Thank You.

We deeply appreciate your business!